Sunday Intercessions

Sunday Intercessions

Dear Friends,

I have been working in London and now in Glasgow this week so have had limited access to emails.  The Revd Ruth Watson has kindly written intercessions for this coming Sunday and I m pleased to send them out, below.

Remember Worship Notes are available for every week until the end of October and can be found via | Your Faith | Prayer & Worship | Worship Notes.

With every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship

Prayers of Intercession for Sunday 15th September 2024

God of vulnerability you came as a tiny baby to change the world. 
Yet babies around the world are still being targeted by those in power.

God of intimacy, you are still present in our darkest times,
and speak to us by name, yet so many have no voice.

God of community, we find you in our everyday, sharing your blessings,
yet still there are those who are lonely, or isolated, or shut off from the world around them.

So often our words are used to hurt or to put off or to promise empty hopes. 
Actions are not taken as the responsibility lies with someone else.  
We want everything today as long as we don’t have to pay for it.

This week in particular, following the success of the Paralympic Games,
we pray that the relationships built and the accommodations made
will continue long after the games have finished. 
That those with disability will continue to have the same opportunities to thrive,
to succeed or even just to get about – all things the able bodied take for granted.

We pray for those awaiting action from the Grenfell Tower Fire –
that those who are responsible accept their role in the disaster and make the changes needed.  That those displaced by the fire can settle in their new communities,
knowing the issues are being resolved.

We continue to pray for the situation in Ukraine, Gaza,
and so many other places around our world where power is misused at the expense of the people.  We pray for peace, for justice, for breathing space for communication to happen.

For those in our communities awaiting the outcome of Government discussions on Winter Fuel Payments, may we put on our kettles and open our churches to offer warm spaces for those in need.

For those in our community struggling with violence,
particularly involving young people, we pray for calm.

For ourselves, we offer our lives to you, for you to use us to serve those in need;
to speak for those without a voice;
to accompany those who are alone;
to grieve with those who mourn and celebrate with those in joy. 

Strengthen us in our hearts that we may go on caring that all may see your unconditional love.

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