Station IV Jesus meets his grieving mother

Station IV
Jesus meets his grieving mother


Lamentation 2:13

O Jerusalem, beloved Jerusalem, what can I say?
How can I comfort you? No one has ever suffered like this.
Your disaster is boundless as the ocean; there is no possible hope.

Ruth 1:20-21a

“Don’t call me Naomi,” she answered; “call me Marah, because Almighty God has made my life bitter. When I left here, I had plenty, but the Lord has brought me back without a thing.


Mary in mourning, shrouded in grief,
your bitter tears fall for all mourning mothers,
for all fathers who have buried a child
and all children orphaned in calamity.
May grief lead not to rage and vengeance
but to brave encounters with others also grieving
and longing for a different co-existence.
In costly solidarity, we pray. Amen.

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