URC Daily Devotion 3rd May 2023
Wednesday 3rd May Hope for a society where the poorest and most marginalised are at the centre (part 1) Reading...
Wednesday 3rd May Hope for a society where the poorest and most marginalised are at the centre (part 1) Reading...
Reading St Luke 12:15-21 And [Jesus] said to them, ‘Take care! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed;...
Monday 1st May Hope for a just economy that enables the flourishing of all life (part 1)...
Sunday Worship from the United Reformed Churchfor Sunday 30 April Today’s service is led by the Revd Angela Rigby Call...
inspiration in your inbox Saturday 29th April 2023 Hildegard of Bingen 1098 – 1179 Hildegard receiving a visionUnknown author...
Peters, Hans / Anefo © Dutch National Archives Information Helder Camara was born in the poor North East region of...
Introduction The period between the fall of Rome and the emergence of mediaeval European culture has come to be called...
inspiration in your inbox Wednesday 26th April 2023 St Wilgefortis Saint Wilgefortis in the Museum of the Diocese Graz-Seckau in...
Tuesday 25th April 2023 St Hild of Whitby, abbess (614 – 680) image from CatholicIreland.net Introduction Hild was an important...