URC Daily Devotion Wednesday 29th July 2020 Basis of Union 15
Wednesday 29th July 2020 Basis of Union 15 St John 3.22-29 After this Jesus and his disciples went into the...
Wednesday 29th July 2020 Basis of Union 15 St John 3.22-29 After this Jesus and his disciples went into the...
Tuesday 28th July 2020 Basis 14 Ephesians 4.1-6 I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a...
Monday 27th July 2020 Basis of Union 13 St Luke 4:16-21 When he came to Nazareth, where he had been...
Sunday 26th July 2020 Psalm 7 Plaintive is the song I singWoeful the lament I bringAll my anguish I lay...
Saturday 25th July 2020 Basis of Union 12 Basis The United Reformed Church confesses the faith of the Church catholic...
Friday 24th July 2020 Basis of Union 11 Acts 2: 42-47 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship,...
Thursday 23rd July 2020 Basis of Union 10 St Matthew 18.15-20 ‘If another member of the church sins against you,...
Wednesday 22nd July 2020 Basis of Union 9 Basis The United Reformed Church testifies to its faith, and orders its...
Tuesday 21st July 2020 Basis of Union 8 Ephesians 4: 14-16 We must...