As I write, finally summer has arrived!  Our joint July/August issue has a strong ECO flavour, with an articles explaining the difference between Fairtraid and Traidcraft and another giving a flavour of the Restore Nature Now march in London on 22 June, written by one of the congregation who was there.  As a joint venture with the Walton & Weybridge Flower Club there will be a Flower Festival in the church hall in August and we hope that church members and their families and friends will take part or just be there to help in any way. We can look forward to a Songs of Praise service, also in August, to which we are asked to contribute a favourite hymn and the story behind why it is important to us.    All this in addition to our regular features and news of the Church family.

Wishing you a happy and relaxing summer – or one filled with adventure, if you prefer it that way!THE GRAPEVINE JULY:AUGUST 2024

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