‘Flaming June’ (the title of a wonderful portrait by Sir Frederic Leighton and also a poem by A P Herbert) – we can only hope!   

This month, our childhood memories are brought to life once more  in the minister’s letter reminding us of much loved prayers we faithfully used to recite before turning out the light.  We held a coffee morning for Christian Aid in the Church garden – a day blessed with sunshine – and were delighted that it caught the interest of some passers-by.  We highlight a walk on the wild side in London on Saturday 22 June to demand that our politicians do more to protect out wildlife and nature.  There is an account of a Wessex Synod happy day out with Hollycombe Steam in the Country where children and adults enjoyed lots of entertainment including fair rides, a brass band concert and learning how the Steam Farm fires up the boilers to get the machinery working for the rides.   Our ECO page explains the acronyms LOAF and encourages us to try to achieve a Bronze Eco Church award. We give details of the Weybridge Festival in mid-June.  The regular ArtPeace article, as always, makes us count our blessings when we read of the unimaginably tough life endured by so many in Zimbabwe and, in particular, our friends the artists.  We hope and pray  that there may be some support in the way of contributions to allow artist Mike to complete the roof of the new home he has been building over many years.  Watch out for for news of more sales of Art Peace’s stunning sculptures in the church!

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