URC Daily Devotion 14th November 2021

Let God arise! his enemies, be gone
and melt like wax before the Holy One.

2 Make known the Lord, and sound his name aloud
to praise the king who rides upon the cloud.

3 Father and judge, he gave the world his law
with freedom, love and justice for the poor.

4 God marched ahead, strong shepherd of his flock;
the heavens opened; earth in terror shook.

5 God spoke the word, and faithful was the band
of those who took his truth to every land.

6 See God ascend, with captives as his prize,
and gifts for all who shall in him arise.

7 Bless day by day the living God who saves,
who raises up his people from their graves.

8 Draw near the throne: musicians, lead our song!
all nations, tribes and races join the throng.

9 All strength is his! the rebels reign no more;
he scatters all who take delight in war.

10 God rules on high, and mighty is his voice:
to God be praise; in God we shall rejoice.

11 Glory to God, creator, saviour, friend
whose greatness, love, and wisdom never end.

Christopher Idle from Psalm 68
© Christopher Idle/Jubilate Hymns
You can hear the suggested tune, Song 24, here


If only it was so simple. If only the reality, presence, and existence of God was undeniable. Why does it have to be so complicated? Why do I have to have faith? Why do I have to trust? Certainty would be so much easier.

God could just appear, and all the people I’ve decided God doesn’t like would scarper. Through wind and fire, the world would be cleansed. Then everyone who agreed with me would celebrate. So much happiness, we would be triumphant, the party would never end. We would lift a joyful noise to God, there would be nothing to hinder our complete happiness.

But I’m not an orphan, a widow, homeless, or a prisoner? But I want to name God “Father” and be led in God’s ways! In comparison to abundant rain, my life does feel more like parched land – am I rebellious?

In the ancient stories the people spoke of God as a pillar of cloud and fire leading them. Of revelation through the ground shaking and rain pouring down. In the natural world, the people discerned the presence of God. A presence that brought new life, new hope, goodness, provision and shelter. A presence that was for all.

Am I rebellious for limiting God? Should I do more to live out God’s presence in my life and in the world around me?

Maybe then it wouldn’t be just me and my friends celebrating? The whole world might begin to praise God. Maybe I should listen more? Rely on God more? Trust more? Blessed be God!


Glory to God, creator, saviour, friend, whose greatness, love, and wisdom never end.
In the midst of life may we trust in God, follow Christ’s way, and rely on the Spirit. Amen

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