Worship Notes for November released

Worship Notes for November released
(and a reminder about October’s!)

Dear Friends,

We have now loaded up the Worship Notes for November and I thought I’d remind you of October’s material.

You can find the Worship Notes by going to the URC website urc.org.uk then going to Your Faith and then clicking on Prayer and Worship.  Worship Notes are one of the options to choose from.

The October material has been up for some time; we start with a service I lead for St Francis’ day which marks the end of Creationtide.  Lindsey Sanderson looks at Challenge Poverty week on 13th, Jonnie Hill explores suffering in Job on 20th, and Mark Rogers looks at the story of Bartimaeus on 27th October.  

In November I lead worship on 3rd exploring themes around All Saints’ and All Souls’ day which will have fallen just before, I lead worship again on 17th to mark Safeguarding Sunday.  Retired minister Lance Stone leads worship for Remembrance Sunday and Nicky Gilbert, a minister in Wessex, leads worship for Christ the King on 24th November.  

The Worship Notes contain all that is needed to build a service with a range of prayers, hymn suggestions, and notes on the readings which could be built into a sermon as well as an all age activity.  If you wish to see the full text of the services that have been prepared you can click here where we store the material in a variety of formats, including PowerPoint, for churches to download and use as pulpit supply material.  We will be sending November’s pulpit supply material out later to those who have signed up to receive it ahead of time.

With every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship

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