URC Daily Devotion Tuesday November 9, 2021

Tuesday November 9, 2021
 The Twelve Days of COPmas: Day 9 – The gift of mutual support 

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.


In today’s society, especially this past year having to deal with a global pandemic, we have had to rely on each other to get us through life. Nurses, doctors, friends, and family members have had to come together because we have all been caught in the same storm.  If one falls in the family, another will pick them up; if somebody is sick then nurses will do their best to make them better.

If none of these people stood up to the plate to help one another, the world as we know it would crumble and fall, and nobody would be there to lift anybody up. Sadly, in life not everyone experiences enough mutual care and support.

Due to the lockdowns, many have felt forgotten about because of their self-isolation. Some have become anxious or are struggling because of job cuts. Because of these reasons and more, poor mental health is affecting many now and may continue to do so for a long time without help. ‘Pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.’

Our planet could probably do quite well without us. If humanity disappeared, the world would keep turning, the sun would keep shining, and the earth would be able to breathe again. Yet it seems that we are here for a reason: to support each other, to care for our wider family and the environment in which we have been placed.

We are called to co-exist, to find the delicate balance where each decision we make is mindful of the impact on other people, other creatures or the creation that we inhabit. We are far, so far from getting to this point. But still, we do what we can for a world that is otherwise being destroyed by selfishness and greed.

When our world is crushed and people fall, who will be there to lift them up? Will it be you?


Creator of all there is,

This day give me eyes to see those who are falling,
ears to hear species in crisis,
a heart to feel a world that is burning,

and give me the wisdom and grace to lift them up,
today and every day you give me.


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