URC Daily Devotion 12th July 2020

Sunday 12th July  Psalm 5

Hear O Lord my urgent prayer
As I come to seek Your care
With each morning light I raise
Voice and heart in prayer and praise

You do not delight in sin
Or in tales that liars spin
Haughty ones You will defeat
With all those who love deceit

By Your mercy and Your grace
I will come before Your face
Fearing foes I bow to pray
Lead me Lord make straight my way

Save me from deceitful ways
Liars’ throats are open graves
Make them bear their guilt O Lord
For by choice they spurn Your word

Let those trusting You sing praise
Grant them joy to fill their days
Those who always seek the right
Are protected by Your might

You can hear a verse of the Psalm sung here


Given Covid 19’s unwelcome progress, the Psalmist’s urgent plea for God’s support during a time of distress and anxiety strikes a ready chord in us.

Verses 1 ’You do not delight’, 3 ‘By Your mercy and Your grace’, 5 ‘Let those trusting You sing praise’, are directed towards God. They express the singer’s need for and faith in God. The remaining two, verse 3 ‘You do not delight in sin’, and, 4 ‘Save me from deceitful ways’, deal with the activity and the fate of the singer’s enemies.

The Psalm is an open hearted morning prayer, with the singer watching and waiting for a sign from God. A new assurance is sought, not just that that God will hear and answer, but above all deal with the liars, the haughty, the deceitful; the enemies who so beset life. The singer acknowledges God’s own character as merciful and gracious, which contrasts totally with the character of those who spin lies. The psalmist is not above reminding God that they should be hoist with their own petard. While we might baulk at describing our enemies as having throats ‘like open graves’ the singer has no such qualms. This powerful and emotional appeal to God is rooted in the belief that God will judge justly and act to save those who come for help.

God’s protection will be extended to all who take refuge in God’s merciful and steadfast love. We, on our part, though we cannot but be dismayed from time to time, should know that we shall be given cause to praise God’s loving kindness again, and again.

Faithful God,
even when we prove faithless,
come close to strengthen and support.
When doubts and anxieties press in,
let your Spirit’s calm and comfort relieve.
Help us to rise above ourselves
and trust you for the future
you offer us in the life of your Son,
our living Lord, Jesus Christ  AMEN.

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