

Dear Friends,

I hope you found the series of Daily Devotions written by students and tutors of The Scottish College both interesting and useful.  Hearing of the sense of call that some members of God’s people have can be a useful pointer to help us all discern what God calls us to.

Over the next week, from Monday, we will be helped to think about a topic which encapsulates much in our contemporary world but which the Church, paradoxically, often shies away from – suffering.  We will be guided in our thinking by Allen Creedy, a member of Jesmond URC since 1977.  Allen has served as an Elder in the congregation, still manages their Twitter account, and has been involved in maintaining their website.  In 2021 Allen was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease (MND) and has found his own faith a helpful resource in coming to terms with his diagnosis.  Allen now depends on a ventilator for much of the day and all of the night; he has limited dexterity in his fingers and so wrote this week’s devotions through a speech to text programme. 

As we read Allen’s thoughts we keep him in our prayers asking that God continues to give him strength as the disease progresses.

With every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship

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