Welcome to St Andrew’s



We invite all, regardless of creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation or socio-economic group to help us help each other to grow in Hope, Peace, Love and Understanding.


St Andrews URC

We are a community of people of different ages, drawn from a number of different places, trying to follow Jesus as best we can.

We meet weekly for a service of worship and we try to give help and support to each other.

Some of us may have a few grey hairs- some of us may have a few more years than others- but our minds and our hearts are open and our welcome is sincere.  Come along!  We might just surprise you.

Join us and together let us be a force for Good for ourselves, our families, our workplaces, our communities and our country!

The Church office is manned in person on a Thursday from 9am – 2pm, so do feel free to pop in and view the facilities.