Fairtrade and Traidcraft

What is Fairtrade?

It is a global movement whose aim is to make trade fair. It sets standards for companies and farmers to ensure safer working conditions and fairer pay for workers and farmers.

What is Traidcraft?

Traidcraft was set up in the UK in 1979 as a Fairtrade organisation, with the fundamental aim of changing peoples’ lives through trade at the same time as saving the traditional skills that people have around the globe from extinction. Traidcraft celebrates a world of creativity and culture.

“[It] should come as no surprise to anyone who investigates the development of the Fair Trade movement that Traidcraft was established as a Christian organisation…. Not only are the principles and values that underpin Fair Trade entirely consonant with those of a Christian worldview, but it was principally within church-based organisations [that] Fair Trade first evolved.” (Joe Osman)

Traidcraft trading took place through Traidcraft plc which had its own online shop and brochure which made supporting the cause very easy. Sadly Traidcraft plc went into administration last year. Transform Trade (who were the charitable arm of Traidcraft plc) have taken on the branding of Traidcraft and although there is no online shop or brochure specifically for products now, they can be bought at various different places – just google ‘where can I find Traidcraft products and the internet will provide!

St Andrews is supporting Fairtrade by buying ethically sourced tea, coffee and biscuits for Sunday mornings and, where possible, for People who Lunch.