

Dear Friends,

I know from my email inbox that many of you have been profoundly moved by the reflections on artists’ depictions of Jesus over the last 10 days or so.  I’m grateful to the writers, the artists who let us use their material and the licensing agency who charged a small fee to show some of the others.  I hope that we can come back to art again in the Devotions next year.

For the next two weeks we are going to be looking at evangelism in our daily readings and reflections.  As a denomination we can get passionate about social justice, international development,  and speaking out to those in power but rather terrified when it comes to sharing our faith.  Our reticence is partly because we’re unsure of what to say without being offensive, partly because our culture relegates faith to the private sphere – even as matters of faith become big talking points in society – and partly because we’re not really sure what to say.  Over the next two weeks Eddie Boon, a URC minister serving as the Discipleship Enabler in Thames North Synod, will help us explore how we might make more sense of evangelism in our own lives. 

With every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship

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