Christian Aid

St Andrew’s Walton & Weybridge URC is one of many individual churches from over 40 denominations across the UK that support Christian Aid.

Christian Aid was set up by British and Irish churches to help refugees following the Second World War. For more than 75 years, it has provided life-saving emergency relief alongside long-term development support for poor communities worldwide, while highlighting suffering, tackling injustice and championing people’s rights. Christian beliefs underpin everything that Christian Aid does.

Christian Aid works with the poorest people around the world regardless of their faith background, seeking to eradicate extreme poverty by tackling its root causes. The charity works through local partner organisations – the people on the ground with the lived experience of poverty. They know how to tackle the problems in their communities, and are best placed to plan and lead the programmes and respond quickly should the situation change.

Currently, Christian Aid is active in 29 countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean. It also works with the ACT Alliance and other relief organisations particularly around the refugee crisis.

Christian Aid is working to improve women’s rights in Afghanistan and the ability of people to access the services they need in Bangladesh. Justice and peacebuilding are key priorities for programmes in Myanmar.

Christian Aid is strengthening peace-building in South Sudan, promoting resilient farming in Kenya and challenging inequality in Sierra Leone. In Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Malawi, women are being given greater access to sustainable green energy

Latin America and the Caribbean
Programmes focused on gender justice are running in the Dominican Republic, El Salvador and Guatemala. In marginalised communities in Honduras, Nicaragua and Haiti, Christian Aid is helping people to adapt their livelihoods to cope with climate change.

Click on the link below for more information on Christian Aid.
Christian Aid