NigHtingaleS by Jo Baird of Nairn URC

NigHtingaleS by Jo Baird of Nairn URC

NigHtingaleS by Jo Baird Dear Friends, many of you have commented on how much you appreciated Jo Baird’s song NigHtingaleS...

URC Daily Devotion Saturday 16th May

URC Daily Devotion Saturday 16th May

Saturday 16th May  The Rainbow Covenant Genesis 9: 1-17 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be...

URC Daily Devotion 15th May 2020

URC Daily Devotion 15th May 2020

Friday 15th May After the Deluge Genesis 8 1 – 17 But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals...

URC Daily Devotion 14th May

URC Daily Devotion 14th May

Thursday 14th May Noah and the Flood Genesis 6: 9 – 7:6 This is the account of Noah and his...

URC Daily Devotion 13th May 2020

URC Daily Devotion 13th May 2020

Wednesday 13th May The First Murder Genesis 4: 1-16 Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant...

URC Daily Devotion 12th May 2020

URC Daily Devotion 12th May 2020

Tuesday 12th May 2020 Paradise Lost Genesis 3 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals...

URC Daily Devotion 11th May 2020

URC Daily Devotion 11th May 2020

Monday 11th May  Genesis 2: 4 – 25 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they...

Genesis, Exodus, Jonah and the Basis of Union!

Genesis, Exodus, Jonah and the Basis of Union!

Genesis and more…. Dear Friends, I hope you enjoyed our reflections on 2 Corinthians.  You will have noticed that, yesterday,...

URC Daily Devotion 9th May 2020 The Creation

URC Daily Devotion 9th May 2020 The Creation

Saturday 9th May 2020 The Creation  Genesis 1:1 – 2:3 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth....