Posts by Norma Reid

June 2020 Newsletter now available

This month we talk about the continuing impact of Covid-19 on the church and how we are able to keep...

May 2020 Newsletter now available

This month we cover our new venture – Zoom church services – and tell you how you can participate.  We...

April ‘Corona Extra’ issue now available

April Corona Extra issue now available

This extra ‘Corona’ issue hopes to keep you in touch with the latest developments with Covid-19 and generally to provide...

St Andrew’s Newsletter March/April 2020 now available

In this double Spring issue you can find details of our Lent Course, (picking up on the Holy Habits material...

Newsletter December 2019/January 2020 now available

In this double Christmas/New Year issue, we cover details of the dates of our Christmas services at both St Andrew’s...

October-November 2019 now available

In this double issue, with Remembrance in mind,  we have an article on The Poppy Factory. We  ask you to...