Daily Devotion for Tuesday 8th October 2024

Genesis 1: 26 – 27

Then God said, ‘Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.’

So God created humankind in his image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.


The Biblical authors who crafted the creation narratives in Genesis embedded deep truths in the text.   Often, however,  we have argued over literary devices not about these deep truths.  Much ink has been spilled through the years about the literalness, or otherwise, of the seven days of creation whilst today’s verses are often skipped over.  Yet imagine what our world, and the Church, would be like if we really took the truth of being made in God’s image seriously.  How might we

  • treat those we don’t like if we recognised the image of God within them?  
  • view those desperate souls coming over the channel on dangerous boats if we recognised within them the very image of God?  
  • respond to those who turn to crime or terrorism if we saw within them God’s image?  
  • feel about ourselves if we truly realised we are made in God’s image?  
  • find ways to reach those whose views, politics, and faith are different to our own?

Those of us who have traditionally, or currently, been told to think badly of ourselves because of gender, love, skin colour, or body size, shape or ability, might find this more of a challenge than others who assume society is made in their image.

For Christians, the ultimate revelation of God’s image is Jesus.  In him we see our model for life and deep truths about how we should view ourselves and others.   Many forces in our contemporary world seek to divide us, sow division and hatred; as Christians we need always to remember that we are all created in God’s image and that image is good.  This makes siblings of us all.

Of course God’s image can be marred within us and we can refuse to see God’s image in others but at the heart of our faith is this simple truth: humanity is made in God’s image.  The challenge for us is to see that image even in those we find unlovely.


Eternal God,
You revealed Yourself of old
in fire, storm, and precious law,
in prophets’ warnings and ancient poetry.
You reveal Yourself again and again in Jesus Christ,
showing us how to live and love, 
reminding us that first, 
You reveal yourself in humanity,
precious and created in Your image,
charged with the awesome responsibility to reflect Your love and life.  
Help us, O God, to live as You intended.  Amen.

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