Talking Pictures

Talking Pictures

Dear Friends,

I hope you have found the reflections on Myanmar both moving and useful for your own prayers. This hard hitting article from the BBC explores some of Myanmar’s context and gives another level of understanding to the past two weeks’ devotions.  

Many people use the Worship Notes that we provide week after week to help those who lead worship.  We have now created an archive of these arranged by Sunday so the liturgical year.  We’ve got two years’ worth of material and will add to it every so often.  This means that there is no material yet for Year C which starts again in Advent this year, but Year C will quickly fill up and you will be able to refer back to a particular Sunday in previous years.  Over time we hope this builds up into a comprehensive resource.  

The other day I meant to email those who have volunteered to record Daily Devotions for the podcasts but emailed everyone!  I’m sorry for the confusion this caused.

We turn now to a series by the Revd Neil Thorogood who writes:

Just before Christmas 2023, the URC published my book, Talking Pictures: 101 lockdown sketches evoking fresh thoughts and prayers. The original drawings were all done in pen and watercolour as the various lockdowns took us through so much of 2020. Just before the first lockdown I bought some small sketch pads (15cm by 20cm). My intention was to draw something every day and share it via Twitter. Most days, that’s what I did. They were a visual diary and meditation of those extraordinary, heartbreaking times.

The book is my return to those pictures. But now, years having passed, I have let each image suggest a fresh reflection, a mini thought for the day combining word and art. Each thought concludes with a brief prayer. The book is available via URC online bookshop.  

Andy has very kindly allowed me to offer six of the images for this Daily Devotions series. But, for each, I have written a brand-new reflection and prayer. I hope they might be fruitful.

Like Neil, I hope these lovely pictures and reflections may be an aid to your journeys of discipleship.

With every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship

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